In late 2013 I did a study exploring the creation of generative forms from short spoken phrases. I wrote some software which interpreted audio and generated different objects based upon those sonic queues. Click the image below to see some …
the surface
The second piece in my visual instrument series is a multitouch membrane controller I’ve been calling the surface. It uses a usb webcam alongside a modified version of ccv to extract the location and depth of touchpoints. It then scales …
the touchquilt
The touchquilt is the first piece in my visual instrument series. I undertook it as a means of solving some of the problems I had run into involving projection interaction with the wiimote whiteboard setup in performance. The wiimote whiteboard …
the soundrawing project marked the beginning of my computer vision research. the pitch, volume, and brightness of the sound is analyzed and used to determine the respective color, width, and height of the paintbrush. the xy location is determined by …
direct manipulation video
The ‘direct manipulation video’ series consists of three experimentations I did in early 2008 with giving the user the ability to manipulate time and space using their mouse within the browser. The images are large, so please be patient as …